Suggestion name: Human/Zombie KDR
What gamemode is it for: Mc infected
What does your suggestion do: This seperates your human stats from your infected stats. You have one area with human kdr and another with infected.
Pros of your suggestion: You can separately track your kdr for your infected stats and your human stats.
Cons of your suggestion: Need to go into stats board and edit this and it may be very difficult to impossible.
Example of how it...
Infected/Human KDR
What gamemode is it for: Mc infected
What does your suggestion do: This seperates your human stats from your infected stats. You have one area with human kdr and another with infected.
Pros of your suggestion: You can separately track your kdr for your infected stats and your human stats.
Cons of your suggestion: Need to go into stats board and edit this and it may be very difficult to impossible.
Example of how it...
Infected/Human KDR