Suggestion name: /fly for crazy
What gamemode is it for: Whole server during lobby's
What does your suggestion do: Allows poor pandas like me to fly with the one I love
Pros of your suggestion:I get to fly with saracresp
Cons of your suggestion: There is no con I want to fly with saracresp
Example of how it could look in game: the /fly command would be available for crazys
Other information: Maxben and jack please let crazys /fly I'm a poor panda looking to fly with my bae
What gamemode is it for: Whole server during lobby's
What does your suggestion do: Allows poor pandas like me to fly with the one I love
Pros of your suggestion:I get to fly with saracresp
Cons of your suggestion: There is no con I want to fly with saracresp
Example of how it could look in game: the /fly command would be available for crazys
Other information: Maxben and jack please let crazys /fly I'm a poor panda looking to fly with my bae