Suggestion Name: /playsound perk
What gamemode is it for: All of them
What does your suggestion do: The /playsound command is a command from vanilla minecraft where you can type be able to play a sound. You can only hear the sound. This perk will be available to Crazy and above.
Pros of your suggestion: Players can be able to hear custom sounds and music of resources packs by just typing a command and it makes the mood of playing games much better. They can also be able to test their...
[General] /playsound command perk for donors
What gamemode is it for: All of them
What does your suggestion do: The /playsound command is a command from vanilla minecraft where you can type be able to play a sound. You can only hear the sound. This perk will be available to Crazy and above.
Pros of your suggestion: Players can be able to hear custom sounds and music of resources packs by just typing a command and it makes the mood of playing games much better. They can also be able to test their...
[General] /playsound command perk for donors