Suggestion name: /kit start
(Now before any of you hate on me by saying no one plays TIM, people do and we are hitting double digit numbers at times on the weekends so you can just shut up. If you don't play TIM then you don't have to waste your time reading this but don't say TIM is dead on this thread.)
What gamemode is it for: Time is money factions
What does your suggestion do: I forget if you get a kit when you first start, but I do know there isn't a kit start that you can use,...
[TIMF] /kit start
(Now before any of you hate on me by saying no one plays TIM, people do and we are hitting double digit numbers at times on the weekends so you can just shut up. If you don't play TIM then you don't have to waste your time reading this but don't say TIM is dead on this thread.)
What gamemode is it for: Time is money factions
What does your suggestion do: I forget if you get a kit when you first start, but I do know there isn't a kit start that you can use,...
[TIMF] /kit start