Main creator of the map: MadPanda007
Name of the map: Scrapyard
Description of your map:Scrapyard is an aircraft boneyard with many airplane parts scattered around. It is a moderately linear map, similar to Highrise in some aspects, but is much smaller. This version has been adapted from the original MW2 directly from pictures and cinematics.
Pictures/Videos of the map:
Download link Schematica: (
[Medium/Large-MW2]Scrapyard By MadPanda007
Name of the map: Scrapyard
Description of your map:Scrapyard is an aircraft boneyard with many airplane parts scattered around. It is a moderately linear map, similar to Highrise in some aspects, but is much smaller. This version has been adapted from the original MW2 directly from pictures and cinematics.
Pictures/Videos of the map:
Download link Schematica: (
[Medium/Large-MW2]Scrapyard By MadPanda007