Suggestion Name: Add Cargo Back
What gamemode is it for: (Mc-Infected)
What does your suggestion do: (This suggestion is to hopefully allow maxben34 or jackson30007 to bring Cargo back)
Pros of your suggestion:
-This will add a fan favorite map to Mc-Infected again.
-This will allow more players to have more fun on the server.
Cons of your suggestion:
-This will take some time out of maxben34's day to bring a corrupted chunked map back in the game.
Other information (Optional): Map sure...
(Mc-Infected) Add Cargo
What gamemode is it for: (Mc-Infected)
What does your suggestion do: (This suggestion is to hopefully allow maxben34 or jackson30007 to bring Cargo back)
Pros of your suggestion:
-This will add a fan favorite map to Mc-Infected again.
-This will allow more players to have more fun on the server.
Cons of your suggestion:
-This will take some time out of maxben34's day to bring a corrupted chunked map back in the game.
Other information (Optional): Map sure...
(Mc-Infected) Add Cargo