Suggestion name: New Grenade Idea
What gamemode is it for: MCI
What does your suggestion do: Adds a grenade to the game called a "warp grenade" when a warp grenade explodes it has a 75% chance to teleport an infected back to spawn
Pros of your suggestion: A unique grenade that can buy time for hiders and tankers
Cons of your suggestion: None I can think of
Example of how it could look in game: A piece of clay
View attachment 869
UPDATE! It is now harder to obtain warp...
[MCI] New Grenade Idea
What gamemode is it for: MCI
What does your suggestion do: Adds a grenade to the game called a "warp grenade" when a warp grenade explodes it has a 75% chance to teleport an infected back to spawn
Pros of your suggestion: A unique grenade that can buy time for hiders and tankers
Cons of your suggestion: None I can think of
Example of how it could look in game: A piece of clay
View attachment 869
UPDATE! It is now harder to obtain warp...
[MCI] New Grenade Idea