This suggestion in no way buffs or nerfs the armor.
Suggestion name: Final Stand Change/Buff
What gamemode is it for: McInfected
What does your suggestion do: Changes Final Stand so you are invis for the same amount of time that you are invincible after final standing.
Pros of your suggestion: People with Final Stand would have a small time to escape and try to survive instead of being hunted off of spawn by zombies afking there.
Cons of your...
[McInfected] Final Stand Buff
Suggestion name: Final Stand Change/Buff
What gamemode is it for: McInfected
What does your suggestion do: Changes Final Stand so you are invis for the same amount of time that you are invincible after final standing.
Pros of your suggestion: People with Final Stand would have a small time to escape and try to survive instead of being hunted off of spawn by zombies afking there.
Cons of your...
[McInfected] Final Stand Buff