Suggestion name: Unstuck
What gamemode is it for: MC Infected 2.0
What does your suggestion do: Add the ability to do /kill for all infected players. This is helpful whenever you get stuck as a MZ, and can't relog because you will lose your MZ or your cookies already earned.
Pros of your suggestion: Helps people get unstuck when trapped, and not lose cookies if they relog.
Cons of your suggestion: None that I am aware of
Example of how it could look in game: All infected can do /kill...
Kill Suggestion
What gamemode is it for: MC Infected 2.0
What does your suggestion do: Add the ability to do /kill for all infected players. This is helpful whenever you get stuck as a MZ, and can't relog because you will lose your MZ or your cookies already earned.
Pros of your suggestion: Helps people get unstuck when trapped, and not lose cookies if they relog.
Cons of your suggestion: None that I am aware of
Example of how it could look in game: All infected can do /kill...
Kill Suggestion