Suggestion name: Represtige stoff
What gamemode is it for: MCI
What does your suggestion do: Gives you the ability to prestige an infected kit at prestige 3. This will not give you any added bonus, but gives you the ability to restart it at level 1-1 to possibly choose a new path. This is because you might not like the level 5 of your path because of a nerf, or a buff to the other side.
Pros of your suggestion: Allows you to choose a different path if you're...
[MCI] Represtige infected kit
What gamemode is it for: MCI
What does your suggestion do: Gives you the ability to prestige an infected kit at prestige 3. This will not give you any added bonus, but gives you the ability to restart it at level 1-1 to possibly choose a new path. This is because you might not like the level 5 of your path because of a nerf, or a buff to the other side.
Pros of your suggestion: Allows you to choose a different path if you're...
[MCI] Represtige infected kit