Suggestion name: Toggle Chat Filter
What gamemode is it for: All gamemodes across Project Mayhem
What does your suggestion do: Allows the player to toggle on or off the chat filter. It will start toggled on, but you can type in /filteroff or something like that to turn off the filter. You would then be able to see filtered words.
Pros of your suggestion: It would allow the players who don't want to see profanity in the chat to continue to see it being filtered,...
Toggle Chat Filter
What gamemode is it for: All gamemodes across Project Mayhem
What does your suggestion do: Allows the player to toggle on or off the chat filter. It will start toggled on, but you can type in /filteroff or something like that to turn off the filter. You would then be able to see filtered words.
Pros of your suggestion: It would allow the players who don't want to see profanity in the chat to continue to see it being filtered,...
Toggle Chat Filter