Gamemode mci
Suggestion new kit
What it would be/look like
This new kit would be a silver fish
It's gear would look something like this
It would have a infinite slowness one and nausea 1
Boost gives speed one for 2 seconds at level one
3 at two
4 at three
6 at four
And 10 at five
Level one...
New kit
Suggestion new kit
What it would be/look like
This new kit would be a silver fish
It's gear would look something like this
- Leather boots feather falling 2 depth strider 3 iron chest plate and leather helmet aqua infinity reparation 3 and a wood sword
It would have a infinite slowness one and nausea 1
Boost gives speed one for 2 seconds at level one
3 at two
4 at three
6 at four
And 10 at five
Level one...
New kit