Suggestion name: Free Rank Upgrade for Purchase of Christmas Package
What game mode is it for: N/A
What does your suggestion do: Gives any player (say) a 35% chance of a free rank upgrade upon the purchase of the Christmas Holiday Package.
Pros of your suggestion: More players would purchase the Christmas Package and might recommend it to their friends.
Cons of your suggestion: If a higher ranked player gets a free upgrade it would be less profitable as...
Christmas Holiday Package
What game mode is it for: N/A
What does your suggestion do: Gives any player (say) a 35% chance of a free rank upgrade upon the purchase of the Christmas Holiday Package.
Pros of your suggestion: More players would purchase the Christmas Package and might recommend it to their friends.
Cons of your suggestion: If a higher ranked player gets a free upgrade it would be less profitable as...
Christmas Holiday Package