Disclaimer - This is outdated. Please scroll down to see the October 2018 idea of this.
Suggestion Name: Power Rounds
Overall idea: Adds "special" rounds every 10 lobbies.
Explanation: Every 10 rounds, a "special" round will occur. These special rounds can be from a "No Grenades" round to a "Zombie Kit Only" round. The special round name will be addressed in the chat before the round starts.
Types of rounds (Some names may be cheesy, so I might need better...
[MCInfected 2.0] Power Rounds
Suggestion Name: Power Rounds
Overall idea: Adds "special" rounds every 10 lobbies.
Explanation: Every 10 rounds, a "special" round will occur. These special rounds can be from a "No Grenades" round to a "Zombie Kit Only" round. The special round name will be addressed in the chat before the round starts.
Types of rounds (Some names may be cheesy, so I might need better...
[MCInfected 2.0] Power Rounds