Suggestion name: Quick Getaway
What gamemode is it for: MCInfected
What does your suggestion do: If a human is hit by a zombie they gain speed I for 5 seconds allowing for a quick getaway from infected if they are becoming overcrowded. The perk will cost 2 Prestige Tokens.
Pros of your suggestion: Early ranked players may be able to survive longer and run away from infected easier as they can easily be killed.
Cons of your suggestion: It can probably help tanks keep their distance from...
[MCInfected] Prestige Perk Ideas
What gamemode is it for: MCInfected
What does your suggestion do: If a human is hit by a zombie they gain speed I for 5 seconds allowing for a quick getaway from infected if they are becoming overcrowded. The perk will cost 2 Prestige Tokens.
Pros of your suggestion: Early ranked players may be able to survive longer and run away from infected easier as they can easily be killed.
Cons of your suggestion: It can probably help tanks keep their distance from...
[MCInfected] Prestige Perk Ideas