EASILY the most annoying thing on the server is when there are NO mods on and there are lke 3 hackers i have made an idea
Suggestion name: /vote for hackers
What gamemode is it for: everyone and hub
What does your suggestion do: if you do /vote *hacker name* *reason* and there are enough votes on that person they can be banned for the most common reason they were picked
Pros of your suggestion: it would get rid of a lot of hackers faster when there are no mods on
Cons of your suggestion: if...
Voting Hackers
Suggestion name: /vote for hackers
What gamemode is it for: everyone and hub
What does your suggestion do: if you do /vote *hacker name* *reason* and there are enough votes on that person they can be banned for the most common reason they were picked
Pros of your suggestion: it would get rid of a lot of hackers faster when there are no mods on
Cons of your suggestion: if...
Voting Hackers