Suggestion name: [MCI] Jack O'Lantern Companion changes
What gamemode is it for: MCI
What does your suggestion do: Several alterations for Jack O'Lantern including a message stating your Jack O'Lantern Companion is Lit up, a buff of regeneration from I to II so it heals 4 hearts instead of 2, and possibly having the Jack O'Lantern Companion stay lit up once it has been lit up.
Pros of your suggestion:
1. Jack O'Lantern Companion is easier to use while tanking since you know when it's...
[MCI] Jack O'Lantern Companion changes
What gamemode is it for: MCI
What does your suggestion do: Several alterations for Jack O'Lantern including a message stating your Jack O'Lantern Companion is Lit up, a buff of regeneration from I to II so it heals 4 hearts instead of 2, and possibly having the Jack O'Lantern Companion stay lit up once it has been lit up.
Pros of your suggestion:
1. Jack O'Lantern Companion is easier to use while tanking since you know when it's...
[MCI] Jack O'Lantern Companion changes