Pros: Adds a higher selection of kits to the game
Cons: People might complain of there being too many kits
Gamemode: MCI
Weapon: stick renamed paw, knock back 1, increased to 2 if you have the KB-sword perk
Helmet: Iron
Chestplate: Leather
Leggings: Leather
Boots: Chain
Kick Path (activated)
1: kill survivors/infected by knocking them and causing them to take fall damage (?/500) or donate for Insane
Knock a single survivor 5 blocks into the air -- 35 sec cooldown
2: damage...
[MCI] Christmas update Suggestion (kit and perks and companion)
Cons: People might complain of there being too many kits
Gamemode: MCI
Weapon: stick renamed paw, knock back 1, increased to 2 if you have the KB-sword perk
Helmet: Iron
Chestplate: Leather
Leggings: Leather
Boots: Chain
Kick Path (activated)
1: kill survivors/infected by knocking them and causing them to take fall damage (?/500) or donate for Insane
Knock a single survivor 5 blocks into the air -- 35 sec cooldown
2: damage...
[MCI] Christmas update Suggestion (kit and perks and companion)